Common questions


No, you don’t! We help entrepreneurs around the world get their businesses incorporated.

A limited liability company, or LLC, is a business structure that provides its owners with some legal protection from creditors.

An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to businesses for tax purposes. It’s like a social security number for a company.

The best state to form an LLC depends on factors such as the nature of the business and specific needs. For residents, their home state is typically preferred, while non-residents often choose Florida or Delaware.

The process of formation varies depending on the state you choose, but it generally takes six to ten business days, and obtaining an EIN from the IRS takes two to three weeks.

We offer a comprehensive package for $179 plus state fees, which includes incorporation in your desired state, a registered agent, an EIN (tax ID), an operating agreement, a business bank account with a debit card, a registered agent address, and unlimited phone and email support. We handle all the processing and government fees for you. The entire process takes approximately 20-30 business days, and you can check the LLC state fees for all 50 states using our State Fees tool. Rest assured, we take care of everything, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Micahguru’s refund policy allows for refunds on orders until payment is sent to a government entity, usually within 24 hours of placing the order. However, a cancellation fee of $30.00 and any other expenses incurred or paid towards the order, including payments to state agencies, the Federal government, or third-party vendors, will be deducted. Once payment is forwarded, no cancellations can be accepted by Micahguru.

To establish trust in Micahguru, consider our extensive track record with hundreds of companies globally. Additionally, you can find reviews from our satisfied clients on Trustpilot, which can provide insights into their positive experiences with our services.

Lunch Your Company (LLC)

Get your company registered in the United States hassle-free and swiftly, starting at just $120 + state fees, all online.

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